Printed copies of my graphic novel Scavengers of Ixonia are available directly from me through Paypal. My email is bgott1@charter.net.
The cost is $20 plus $5 for shipping and handling.
If you don’t have a Paypal account, e-mail me, and we’ll work something out.

My prose novel, Built on the Ruins, is available from Lulu.com.

Paper copies of Unnatural Leaves, a 44 page comic book of some of my short stories, and of Split are available from Lulu.com. Split is $12.95 plus shipping, and Unnatural Leaves is $9.20 plus shipping. Just follow the link below.
Split is also available at Amazon:
Amazon.com (Search in books for author: Gottschalk, title: Split.)

Two printed comic books are available from Spit and a Half, the distro run by John Porcellino. They are the story, "A Clear Solution," and "Unwelcome Guests," which includes the short stories "A Disconcerting Request" and "Razbliuto." In addition to running this distro, John is the acclaimed creator of King Cat Comics. I'd urge everyone to check out this work.

I have print copies of my other shorter works as well, and these are also available through Paypal. The cost is $4.00 each plus $2.00 for shipping. Again, if you don’t have a Paypal account, e-mail me, and we’ll work something out.